This classic, sour and aromatic cocktail is traditionally considered a morning after a pick-me-up. Want to make the perfect Gin Fizz? It's all in the shake.
The Gin Rickey is one of the few classic cocktails that doesn’t have an origin muddled by history or shrouded in rumors and innuendo. The invention of this refreshing highball is refreshingly clear: It was named after Joe Rickey, a Democratic lobbyist living in Washington, D.C., during the late 19th century.
Created by Don Beach in the early 1950s at his The Don The Beachcomber restaurant in Palm Springs, this drink is named after Doctor Bernard Funk who was Robert Louis Stevenson's physician in Samoa. The good doctor is said to have concocted and prescribed an absinthe laced limeade so inspiring this cocktail.
The Daisy cocktail has undergone a lot of tweaking over the years. The essential DNA of the Daisy involves adding a little soda water to a Sour (spirit, citrus, sweetener). Beyond that, though, you can take some liberties. Jerry Thomas called for shaved ice; Savoy, for cracked. Any number of base spirits have been used as a foundation, and depending on which source you read, the finished drink should be poured into a cocktail glass, pewter mug, Julep cup, large goblet or glass highball. Earlier recipes include orange cordial, but by the early 20th century, grenadine had become the traditional sweetening agent. All versions, however, agree that a Daisy should be cold, refreshing and garnished with seasonal fruit. The following recipes are representative of then older and more modern versions.