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Old Fashioned


Classic | Cocktail | from Anders Erickson

The Old Fashioned is arguably the most well-known whiskey cocktail in the world. Essentially just a slug of bourbon that’s been lightly sweetened with sugar and modified with a couple dashes of bitters, it’s dead simple to make, but within this basic template is a world of opinions and flavor.

The Old Fashioned as we know it comes from an early mixed drink simply called the Whiskey Cocktail, thought to be popularized in the late 1700s when it was fashionable to add a few dashes of bitters to a glass of whiskey. The cocktail’s creation goes hand in hand with the proliferation of both whiskey and commercial bitters, an aromatic ingredient with medicinal origins that involved steeping herbs, barks, botanicals, and other plant extracts in spirits to create a curative that could be mixed with water or other ingredients, often to aid in digestion.


Amount Ingredient Brand
2 oz / 50 ml 3 oz / 75 ml 4 oz / 100 ml 6 oz / 150 ml Bourbon Colonel E.H. Taylor 100 Proof
14 oz / 6 ml 12 oz / 9 ml 12 oz / 13 ml 34 oz / 19 ml Rich Demerara Syrup  
4 dashes 6 dashes 8 dashes 12 dashes Bitters Angostura Aromatic Bitters
1 wedge 1 12 wedge 2 wedge 3 wedge Orange Wedge  




Old fashioned




Cocktail cherry

Orange slice



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