Side dish recipes to complement the main course. They offer a variety of vegetables, grains, and other options that provide balance and contrast to the primary dish.
Braised Red Cabbage
I first had this at the Woodcock's home. It was a revelation as to how good red cabbage could be. I assume it is the butter, but I love it.
Bubble & Squeek
I always though this had to be soggy leftover vegetables until I moved to the UK. Now I know you can make it anyway you want. No rules!
Courgettes with orange, pine nuts and herbs
Don't waste any of the delicate flesh to make room for the stuffing - just pack it on top of the halved vegetable. Only attempt this (and any other courgette dish, for that matter) in summer, when they are small and actually have a good taste and texture.
Double Baked Potatoes
You can can prepare ahead and even freeze these for a few months.
Hilary's Cranberry Sauce
This tastes so much better than store bought cranberry sauce. And it is great on turkey sandwiches or in your morning yogurt.
Italian Broccoli Casserole
I know this screams the 70's, but it is very tasty if you are having a simple meat dish.
Great warm cold, as a side or a main.
Mushroom & Asparagus Casserole
A 70's classic, but very tasty.
Mushroom & brown basmati pilaf
Simple but flavorful rice side.
Tortilla Espanola
This is nearly a perfect dish. If cooked properly, it is perfectly delicate and melts in your mouth. Great as a side dish or as a sandwich on some crusty bread -- warm or cold.